Get Audio Duration On Chrome For Android
Solution 1:
EDIT: Using the durationchange event is much easier. First the 0 is being output, but as soon as the file is loaded (that's where loadedmetadata fails I guess) the updated and real duration will be output.
audio.addEventListener('durationchange', function(e) {
console.log(; //FIRST 0, THEN REAL DURATION
Looks like this "bug" (if this is actually a real bug) is still around. Chrome (40) for Android still outputs 0 as the audio files duration. Researching the web didn't get me a solution but I found out the bug also occurs on iOS. I figured I should post my fix here for you guys.
While audio.duration outputs 0, logging audio outputs the object and you can see that the duration is displayed just right there. All this is happening in the loadedmetadata event.
audio.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function(e) {
console.log(; //0
If you log audio.duration in the timeupdate event though, the real duration is being output. To only output it once you could do something like:
var fix = true;
audio.addEventListener('timeupdate', function(e) {
if(fix === true) {
console.log(; //REAL DURATION
fix = false;
I'm not sure why all this is happening. But let's be happy it's nothing serious.
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