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Preference Order Of Including Angularjs In Index Page?

I'm newbie and learning to AngularJS and implementing a project. For many purpose, I have to include too many JavaScript in index.html page. I had read on another question that we

Solution 1:

The rule of thumb for source ordering is as follows:

  • If you want to use jQuery, include it first. As per these docs.
  • Include angular.js before everything else
  • Include all angular extension libraries
  • All other third party libraries
  • Your app code (if all your code is angular related, then the order of this shouldn't matter, unless you use angular.module() in a multifile way)

Also, look at this question with regards to where exactly to place your scripts: AngularJS in HEAD vs BODY

Solution 2:

Always remember to refer scripts in the order of their dependency, for example "angular-route" and "angular-animate" are dependent on "angular" so angular must be on top , like-wise "angular" uses "jqLite" for providing basic jQuery functionality , but if u want to use full functionality you need to refer jQuery on top of "angular", now you can decide which one to refer in which order. I hope this helps.

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