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JQuery - On Page Load Select Optgoup And Children In Second Select By A Default Selected Option In A Parent Select

I have a select 'usercountry' that has a predefined option selected when the page loads. I have a second select organized with optgroup country and child option state. I have a jQu

Solution 1:

Have you put your code in a $(document).ready() function?

Assuming your code does what you want when the user selects a different country, this is what you want to change your code to:

// sets the option group using the same code you already use for on-country-change
function setOptGroup() {
    var state_province = $('#userstate option, #userstate optgroup');
    // EDIT: this line won't retrieve selected country when page has just been loaded
    //$("#userstate optgroup[label='" + $(this).find(':selected').html() + "']")
    // this line works
    $("#userstate optgroup[label='" + $('#usercountry').val() + "']")

$( document ).ready(function() {
    // set up the USA option group when the page is loaded

    // your present code - refactored a bit
    $('#usercountry').change(setOptGroup); // edit to fix typo

The document.ready function will run once - when the page has finished loading. It's normal with jQuery to put a lot of code here.

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