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Placing Caret Outside Of Inserted Tag In ContentEditable

I am inserting a span tag into a contentEditable div using the document.execCommand insertHTML method. After the insertion, i want the caret to be set at the end of the input, so t

Solution 1:

Terrible hack that i have come up with is to insert another span element immediately afterword:

document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, '<span>&nbsp;</span>');

Now the new content goes into this span element instead. Hopefully there is a better solution.

Solution 2:

I was stuck on this as well until I tried this. Place a &nbsp; at the end of your insert as in

document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, '<span>&nbsp;</span>&nbsp;');

Just putting a space at the end of your HTML will not work as I have found it is always trimmed.

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