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Horizontal Scrollbar On Browsers Suggests White Space To The Right, How To Fix?

When my website is scaled down and a horizontal scroll bar apears, a white space is suggested on the right side of my webpage at the footer. How am I able to fix this? url: http://

Solution 1:

@Jeff B: Please let me know if it's inappropriate to add this as a separate answer rather than as a comment to your answer.

Jeff is correct, but to clarify I would do this:

  1. Remove the padding-left: 180px; style from class .footerWrapper
  2. Remove width: 100%; from #footer
  3. Add min-width: 1141px; to #footer

This should take care of the white-space.

Solution 2:

The problem is that you are defining the width of wrapper to be 1141px, and footer to be 100%. This means that when the width is less than 1141px, you will have a horizontal scroll bar, but your footer will still be 100% of the window size, resulting in white space on the right.

Solution 3:

Remove the whitespace between the footer's end tag </div> and </body>

So like this: </div></body>

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