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How Can JavaScript Make New Page That Contains More JavaScript?

I'm opening new page using JS and writing into it the HTML code, however when I try to write JS inside the new page using document.write() function it doesn't work. Apparently the

Solution 1:

This sounds like you are embedding the JS into an HTML document rather than using an external file, and that you are serving it as text/html. (If it was XHTML then you would get a simple well-formedness error).

You could move the code to an external file (which is the simplest option), or you can escape the slash characters on anything that looks like an end tag:


Note you should do this to all end tags (not just </script>) due to the way SGML works (even if most browsers don't completely respect the rules of SGML).

There is a good FAQ entry on this subject.

Solution 2:

If you do not fancy splitting the string, you can also use the escape character:


Solution 3:

EDIT: as others pointed out, you should escape the slash with a backslash.

The easy (but non standard) solution is to break your string:


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