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HTML5 Video Not Working Only In IE9

Possible Duplicate: IE9 HTML5 video support I am working with a client to try and get their video player working. It seems to work in everything that I can test in except IE9.

Solution 1:

had a similiar issue, and i had to register the mime types via .htaccess on my server (mp4 didn t work before).


AddType video/ogg .ogv
AddType video/mp4 .mp4
AddType video/mp4 .mov
AddType video/webm .webm

Solution 2:

pretty sure its the IIS settings; try adding these file name extensions and corresponding MIME types: .webm – “video/webm”

.ogg - “application/ogg”

.ogv - “video/ogg”

.mp4- “video/mp4″

.m4v - “video/m4v”

you can read about it here:

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