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How To Do Html To Xml Conversion To Generate Closed Tags?

How to do xml to html conversion to generate closed tags. The context is explained here: Error while generating pdf from Html file in Java using iText When I try converting html to

Solution 1:

You are experiencing this problem because you are feeding HTML to iText's XML Worker. XML Worker requires XML, so you need to convert your HTML into XHTML.

There is an example on how to do this on the official iText site: D00_XHTML

publicstaticvoidtidyUp(String path)throws IOException {
    byte[] xhtml = Jsoup.parse(html, "US-ASCII").html().getBytes();
    FileOutputStreamfos=newFileOutputStream(newFile(dir, html.getName()));

In this example, we get a path to an ordinary HTML file (similar to what you have). We then use the Jsoup library to parse the HTML into an XHTML byte array. In this example, we use that byte array to write an XHTML file to disk. You can use the byte array directly as input for XML Worker.

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