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Stop All Form Submit In My Page

My need is to interrupt all form submit of my webpage and need to add a extra input field to it. I need to do it with js/Jquery. I can do this for single form (using name/ID). But

Solution 1:

In my case all forms are submitted using javascript submit() method

In that case, you can wrap that method. Which is important, because when you call the DOM's HTMLFormElement#submit method, submit event handlers are not triggered. (If you use jQuery's submit method instead, it does trigger handlers before submitting the form.)

Here's how you wrap that function without using any libraries:"form"), function(form) {
    var realSubmit = form.submit;
    form.submit = function() {
        // Do your stuff// ...// Submit the form;

...or as you've tagged your question jquery, with jQuery:

$("form").each(function() {
    var form = this;
    var realSubmit = form.submit;
    form.submit = function() {
        // Do your stuff// ...// Submit the form;

You'll need to check that your target browsers allow it. Modern ones do.

Here's a complete example: Live Copy

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><scriptsrc=""></script><metacharset="utf-8"><title>Example</title></head><body><p>This page adds the q field to a form it submits to Google</p><formmethod="GET"action=""target="_blank"><inputid="sendDOM"type="button"value="Send with DOM's submit"><inputid="sendjQuery"type="button"value="Send with jQuery's submit"></form><script>
    $("#sendDOM").click(function() {
    $("#sendjQuery").click(function() {

    // Wrap submit on the forms
    $("form").each(function() {
      var form = this;
      var realSubmit = form.submit;
      form.submit = function() {
        // Do your stuffvar el = document.createElement("input");
        el.type = "hidden"; = "q";
        el.value = "kittens";

        // Submit the form;

Solution 2:

You select and find the form in your page using $('form') selector.

it returns all the forms inside your page.

then bind the submit event.

var ajaxFormSubmit = function(){  

//write what you need to doreturnfalse;



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