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Execute Js After All Image Loaded

(I searched, but not find exactly/easy solution) I'm trying to execute JS after all images completely loaded. My goal is, when all images finish load completely, then removeClass

Solution 1:

You can use load() to check if the images are loaded!


This may not work sometimes when the images are cached by the browser. Please check Caveats of the load event when used with images

var img = $('img')
var count = 0
    count = count + 1if(count === img.length) {
<scriptsrc=""></script><divclass='main-slider my-loader'><imgsrc=""><imgsrc=""><imgsrc=""></div>

But, this answer is a working case.

Solution 2:

<div class='main-slider my-loader'>
<img class="imgTag" src="/nice-girl.jpg">
<img class="imgTag" src="/nice-car.jpg">
<img class="imgTag" src="/nice-boy.jpg">

jquery codes:
window.loadCount = 0;
    if(window.loadCount == $('.imgTag').length){

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