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Align List Items To Top Of Ul Container

The li tag in my ul doesn't start from top. Instead it starts from the bottom. I want to have all the images starting from top and all the labels of those images should start 10px

Solution 1:

For the alignment you want, add vertical-align: top and text-align: center to li.cli.

For margin between image and text, change margin: 0 auto to margin: 0 auto 10px in .img.

revised fiddle

Additional info:

Your list items have display: inline-block. The vertical-align property applies to inline-level elements and the default value is baseline.

You'll notice in your code (especially if you apply a border) that each list item is aligned to the baseline of the container (demo). Override the default with vertical-align: top.

Solution 2:

Maybe you you want something like this. If not tell me I will change it - And I create an extra class for the text div name it 'txt' and I have comment out on css so you will easily understand where I have changes Live Fiddle

.cul {
  list-style-type: none;
  width: 100%;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0 auto;
  /* remove the last 0 from here */

.cli {
  display: inline-table;
  /*change this to inline-table */width: 10%;
  padding: 0px25px10px;
  /*replace last 0 with 10px when window resize And remove the back ground size */

.cli.img {
  background: url("") no-repeat;
  width: 46px;
  height: 46px;
  margin: 0 auto;

.txt {
  /*add this css for the gap and center text */text-align: center;
  margin-top: 10px;
<div><ulclass="cul"><liclass="cli"><divclass="img"></div><divclass="txt">PRETTY LONG TEXT ABCDEFG</div></li><liclass="cli"><divclass="img"></div><divclass="txt">TEXTUAL PLANNING</div></li><liclass="cli"><divclass="img"></div><divclass="txt">PRETTY TEXT</div></li><liclass="cli"><divclass="img"></div><divclass="txt">RANDOM TEXT ABC</div></li><liclass="cli"><divclass="img"></div><divclass="txt">MEDIUM TEXT</div></li></ul></div>

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