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Beautifulsoup4 - Identifying Info By Strong Tag Value Only Works For Some Values Of The Tag

I am working with the following 'block' of HTML:
  • Solution 1:

    The reason you're getting text for 'Accepts Business From:' and not for 'Classes of business' is that you're using the try-except in the wrong place.

    In the second iteration of the for li in li_stuff: loop, li becomes <li>U.S.A</li>, which will throw and AttributeError for calling li.strong on it since there's not <strong> tag present. And, according to your current try-except, the error is caught outsite the for loop and is passed. So, the loop won't reach its third iteration in which it should be getting the text for 'Classes of business'.

    To continue to loop even after the error is caught, use this:

    for li in li_stuff:
            if li.strong.text.strip() == 'Accepts Business From:':
                business_final = li.find('li').text.strip()
                print('Accepts Business From:', business_final)
            if li.strong.text.strip() == 'Classes of business':
                business_final = li.find('li').text.strip()
                print('Classes of business:', business_final)
        except AttributeError:
            pass  # or you can use 'continue' too.


    Accepts Business From:U.S.AClasses of business:Engineering

    But, as there are many values present for the 'Classes of business', you can change your code to this to get them all:

    if li.strong.text.strip() == 'Classes of business':
        business_final = ', '.join([x.text.strip() for x in li.find_all('li')])
        print('Classes of business:', business_final)


    Accepts Business From: U.S.A
    Classes of business: Engineering, NM General Liability (US direct), Property D&F (US binder), Terrorism

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