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Play And Pause With Onclick On The Same Img

The following script is playing a soundfile when i click on a img (onclick). How do i pause it by clicking on the same img? I´ve tried audio.pause(), but it won´t work. functi

Solution 1:

You should rename your function to audioHandler() for example which will handle whether to play or pause your audio.

Create a boolean to remember if your audio was playing or was on pause.

//initial status: audio is not playingvar status = false;
var audio = document.getElementById("myaudio");

  if(status == false || audio.paused){;
    status = true;
    status = false;

Solution 2:

Check the media.paused property of your HTMLMediaElement

function play_pause(media) {
    if (media.paused) {;
    else {

Use this in the handler on the element you want to control the action

var elm = document.getElementById('play_button'),
    audio =  document.getElementById('myaudio');
elm.addEventListener('click', function (e) {

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