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Xml Serialization Of Html

Okay this one DID it! Thanks to all of you! public class Result { public String htmlEscaped { set; get; } [XmlIgnore] public String htmlValue

Solution 1:

Here's a simple trick to do achieve what you want. You just need to serialize a XmlCDataSection property instead of the string property :

(it's almost the same as John's suggestion, but a bit simpler...)

    public String htmlValue

    privatestatic XmlDocument _dummyDoc;

    public XmlCDataSection htmlValueCData
        get { return _dummyDoc.CreateCDataSection(htmlValue); }
        set { htmlValue = (value != null) ? value.Data : null; }

Solution 2:

See "CDATA serialization with XMLSerializer" for the same problem, and for the solution.

BTW, it seems to me that if the vendor no longer exists, it's time to use a different product. Possibly one that understands the XML specifications which have only existed for over a decade.

Solution 3:

It is my understanding that you need the XML to feed it to some utility. Do you also plan to use it to de-serialize the object?

If not then why do not do it yourself - serialize your object that is? Roundtrip object -> XML -> object is somewhat tricky, but the first part is not.

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