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Hierarchical Menu In View Based On Parent Child Class

I have a ViewModel: public class Page { public int Id { get; set; } public Page Parent { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Title { get; set

Solution 1:

there are many ways to display dynamicly generated menus and i will post my way of doing it, I have two classes Menu & MenuItem (a Menu is just a wrapper for a list of MenuItems which are the actual >"real" links) and then i have a NavigationViewModel to wrap everything.

    publicint MenuID { get; set; }
    publicint ID { get; set; }
    public String Label { get; set; }
    public String Link { get; set; }
    public Boolean Show { get; set; }

    publicMenuItem(int menuId, int id, string label, string link, Boolean show)
        this.MenuID = menuId;
        this.ID = id;
        this.Label = label;
        this.Link = link;
        this.Show = show;


    publicint ID { get; set; }
    publicstring Name { get; set; }
    public List<MenuItem> MenuItems { get; set; }

    publicMenu(int id, string name)
        this.ID = id;
        this.Name = name;
        this.MenuItems = new List<MenuItem>();


// this is NavigationModel that wrap everything.

    publicint currentMenuID { get; set; }   
    // used to determine the current displayed Menu to add// the "current" class to it. (to be set in the controller)publicint currentMenuItemID { get; set; } 
    // used to determine the current displayed MenuItem to add// the "current" class to it. (to be set in the controller)public List<Menu> Menus { get; set; }

        this.Menus = new List<Menu>();
        // Set Default Menu ( Menu 1 )this.currentMenuID = 1;
        // Set Default Menau Item ( None )this.currentMenuItemID = 0;

// This is an example of a method that builds a NavigationModel.

privatestatic NavigationModel BuildNavigationMenu(User currentUser, string rootURL)
        stringloginURL= rootURL + "Account/LogOn";

        // Main MenuMenuMainMenu=newMenu(1, "Home");
        MainMenu.MenuItems.Add(newMenuItem(1, 1, "Welcome", rootURL, true));
        MainMenu.MenuItems.Add(newMenuItem(1, 2, "How It Works", rootURL + "Home/HowDoesItWork", true));

        // Work MenuMenuWorkMenu=newMenu(2, "Work");
        WorkMenu.MenuItems.Add(newMenuItem(2, 1, "Profile", rootURL + "User/Profile/" + currentUser.ID , true));
        WorkMenu.MenuItems.Add(newMenuItem(2, 2, "Customers", "#", true));

        // Add Menus To Navigation ModelNavigationModelnavigationMenu=newNavigationModel();

        return navigationMenu;

// I have a NavigationHelper that takes care of outputting the HTML with the following two methods.

Note: (this is a simplified version as in my implementation i use the id of the Menu & the MenuItem to locate the current menu that is being displayed and add the "current" CSS class to it"

publicstaticstringDisplayMenu(this HtmlHelper helper, NavigationModel navigationMenu)
    publicstaticstringDisplayMenu(this HtmlHelper helper, NavigationModel navigationMenu)
        String result = "<ul id='main-nav'>\n";
        foreach(Menu menu in navigationMenu.Menus)
            result +=     "<li>\n";
            result +=         string.Format("<a href='#'> {0} </a>\n",helper.AttributeEncode(menu.Name));
            result +=         "<ul>\n";
            foreach(MenuItem item in menu.MenuItems)
                result += NavigationHelper.ConvertToItem(helper, item);
            result +=         "</ul>\n";
            result +=     "</li>\n";
        result +=     "</ul>\n";

        return result;

    privatestaticstringConvertToItem(this HtmlHelper helper,MenuItem item)
        if (item.Show)
            returnstring.Format("<li><a href='{0}'>{1}</a></li>\n", helper.AttributeEncode(item.Link), helper.AttributeEncode(item.Label));
        else { return""; }   

finally i have a following call in my Master to display the menu.

<!-- Navigation -->
<%= Html.DisplayMenu(Model.NavigationMenu) %>

Note: I have a strongly typed MasterPage with the type (BaseViewModel) that contains the property NavigationMenu of type NavigationModel

Connecting everything together.

In my example i have to supply my Views with a ViewModel (that inherits my BaseViewModel) at each action method to and then build the Menu (using a Builder Method that does most of the work so i don't have to re type it in every action method). If you don't use a BaseViewModel then you will need to find another way to build the Navigation Model and then pass the Navigation Model to your MasterPage.

For me i find having a strongly typed MasterPage to make things easier and cleaner. King wilder have a nice way of implementing them in his GolfTracker Series.

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