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Showing posts from January, 2023

Placing Caret Outside Of Inserted Tag In ContentEditable

I am inserting a span tag into a contentEditable div using the document.execCommand insertHTML meth… Read more Placing Caret Outside Of Inserted Tag In ContentEditable

Flexbox Works In Internet Explorer But Does Not In Chrome

What I would like to achieve: JSFiddle 1 2 3< Solution 1: First I'll sugg… Read more Flexbox Works In Internet Explorer But Does Not In Chrome

Align Right Side Of Button And Input

I have a text input field and 2 buttons on the next line within a dialog box. How may I line up th… Read more Align Right Side Of Button And Input

PHP Header Location Not Working Properly

Can someone point me out why the below isn't working? It only redirects to the first location e… Read more PHP Header Location Not Working Properly

Background Image Is Not Showing In Css

I have searched on the internet and found that setting body, html height, width to 100% will fix th… Read more Background Image Is Not Showing In Css

Convert .jsp Or Html File To Pdf

Does anyone knows how to convert a jsp or html file to pdf format using Java? Something else than f… Read more Convert .jsp Or Html File To Pdf

Display X Divs Randomly Out Of A Possible Y

How do I randomly display 3 divs out of a possible 10 in total? This is what I have tried so far: H… Read more Display X Divs Randomly Out Of A Possible Y

What Type Of Caching Should I Use?

I have a classifieds website, which uses PHP and MYSQL. I have several pages which uses javascript … Read more What Type Of Caching Should I Use?

Objects Follow Responsive Background-image

I'm trying to make a banner image which will include 'points of interests' that you can… Read more Objects Follow Responsive Background-image

Jquery: Get Text Between Two

i've got a HTML tree like this: This is line 1 This is line 2 This is line 3 … Read more Jquery: Get Text Between Two

Targeting First 2 Children Or Last 2 Children

I know a bunch of the pseudo classes (first-child, last-child, nth-child) but I am having trouble s… Read more Targeting First 2 Children Or Last 2 Children

Html Open New Tab With Playing Sound

I know how to open a new tab. For example, this is what I have: Award This code, wil Solution 1… Read more Html Open New Tab With Playing Sound

I Have Multiple HTML5 Flowplayers On A Page. How To I Make Them Play Mutually Exclusively?

I have Multiple HTML5 flow player instances on my page. When I start to play one, then click on an… Read more I Have Multiple HTML5 Flowplayers On A Page. How To I Make Them Play Mutually Exclusively?

How To Change The CSS Of One Image When Hovering Another Image?

So I'm tyring to fade one image in and the other out when hovered using html/css. These images … Read more How To Change The CSS Of One Image When Hovering Another Image?

HTML5 Canvas - My Lines/arcs Are Not Appearing On Top Of An Image

I have some lines drawn using lineTo() and some arcs using arc(). I would like to draw these shapes… Read more HTML5 Canvas - My Lines/arcs Are Not Appearing On Top Of An Image

HTML5 Cache Manifest: Fallback Section & Network *

from Dive into HTML5: Cache Manifest: Fallback section CACHE MANIFEST FALLBACK: / /offline.html NET… Read more HTML5 Cache Manifest: Fallback Section & Network *

Angular 6: Saving Data To Local Storage

I have a data table which display data from external API, I want the number of items /element on t… Read more Angular 6: Saving Data To Local Storage

Add Class Active When Clicking The Menu Link With Jquery

I have HTML Home Solution 1: I'm also looking for this solution and I have t… Read more Add Class Active When Clicking The Menu Link With Jquery

How Can I Allow Users To Overwrite The Numbers In The Input Type Number (when There Are Already Two Numbers)?

Please see the JavaScript below: maxLengthDay(event) { const maxLength = 2; if (event.targe… Read more How Can I Allow Users To Overwrite The Numbers In The Input Type Number (when There Are Already Two Numbers)?

Failed To Queue Test Run 'xxxx 2011-10-20 13:00:00'. You Do Not Have The Appropriate Permissions To Perform The Action

I am trying to run my testcases in C# VS2010 but all of a sudden one fine day, it started showing m… Read more Failed To Queue Test Run 'xxxx 2011-10-20 13:00:00'. You Do Not Have The Appropriate Permissions To Perform The Action

Styling Iframes

I'm trying to display two websites on an ASP.NET MVC page. The first website should appear in t… Read more Styling Iframes

How To Prevent Jquery Mouseover Event From Executing On Moving Mouse On Transperent Image Area?

I have used code described on below mentioned SO answer Change the image source on rollover using … Read more How To Prevent Jquery Mouseover Event From Executing On Moving Mouse On Transperent Image Area?

JQuery - On Page Load Select Optgoup And Children In Second Select By A Default Selected Option In A Parent Select

I have a select 'usercountry' that has a predefined option selected when the page loads. I … Read more JQuery - On Page Load Select Optgoup And Children In Second Select By A Default Selected Option In A Parent Select

HTML CSS Floats And Inline-block Issues

There are three blocks, first and last one are floated left and the middle one is displayed inline-… Read more HTML CSS Floats And Inline-block Issues

Same Line Div Tags

Sorry to ask such a stupid question, but it's been quite a long night and I cannot seem to get … Read more Same Line Div Tags

YOLO Object Identification More Rapidly And Consistently

Using YOLO and p5.js I am trying to identify the objects using my webcam. Even though, I gave permi… Read more YOLO Object Identification More Rapidly And Consistently

Its Outputs Details Incorrectly In Php/html

I want to display all the questions from the drop down menu when the user selects All from the ques… Read more Its Outputs Details Incorrectly In Php/html